So the week started out really well! Ultrasound on Monday (19/1/2009) confirmed that #2 had turned around and both babies are now in 'firing' position, ie., head down. Chris and I even managed to go out on a hot date (something which has eluded us - due to fatigue, during this final trimester). But come Wednesday morning all went to custard while I was driving myself into work for what had also been decided would be my final working week.
I'd been having normal little Braxton-Hicks contractions for the last week or so - all quite normal. However, on way into work I noticed that something much tougher was going on. I didn't have to pull over onto side of road but some controlled breathing was required to endure the contraction as I plodded along in rush-hour traffic.
Edith Cavell Hospital (where we were planning to give birth anyway) was only about 5mins away, so I thought would just park up the car outside the hospital and sit for a bit of time to see if these contractions were going to get regular. As well I did that because after 30mins waiting, I'd been having quite severe contractions every 4mins. So I waddled into the hospital up to the maternity ward for a checkup.
We monitored the babies, blood pressure, contractions etc and as suddenly as it all started, it all stopped. A quick visit from my doctor confirmed I would be on forced bedrest for remainder of the pregnancy, ie., another couple of weeks only and at my own home. Pretty fortunate really when I consider good friends who have had to endure bedrest for 10-15 weeks in hospital!
So the rest of week has been one of laying low, not doing much, drugging out on progesterone to try and avoid more contractions. Christian has been an absolute star racing around after Nikita and Joakim, me, the housework, and of course his own work at Go-Mini.
We did a thorough ultrasound though on Thursday (22/1/2009) to check weights and make sure the babies are getting enough oxygen. All is great!!! Boys are both at 2.5kg each which means just need to get their lung development sorted and we should be able to let nature take its course in another 7-10 days. As my good friend Carla-Farla put it: "best those boys stay in Hotel-Mama a little bit longer". Indeed, I'm told that 1 day in the womb is equivalent to 1 week in neonatal unit. Put into that perspective, yeah I can lay on my fat ass for a bit!