Sunday, 4 September 2011

Summer holiday #1: Sailing in Denmark

Talk about great fortune!!!! This year, we were able to treat ourselves to TWO getaway holidays. First was 3 weeks in Denmark onboard friend Jens’ catamaran (LUXE!) Strictly speaking, it was 3 weeks for Chris and the littlies as I had to commute back to work the last 2 weeks in Brussels. Whatever! It was a gorgeous way to enjoy the summer days!

We were moored near Fregatten Jylland for most of our stay which meant enduring periodic cannon blasting during the days. Jules and Louie loved to point at it and say ‘BOOOOM!!!!’ and although we knew it was about to blast, it still managed to make me bump my head on something in sheer fright LOL! Actually, our mooring was well terrific as it was 2 seconds away from the best coffee in town PLUS! the lovely lovelies at Gemyttlig (great little eatery in Ebeltoft, if every u get there) had installed a beach volley/football arena complete with viewing platforms and a place to partake in a morning yoga session, or – as Nikita discovered, an evening’s zumba lesson.

Also during our stay, Chris and I sailed around the island of Samso, staying nearby on the much smaller island of Tonu, a veritable haven of peace and loveliness. It was a great long weekend’s sailing, even though it meant being a day later than expected back in Brussels due to a rather big storm hitting us on the day we were meant to leave. Oh darn;)

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aww bless!!