Sunday, 4 September 2011

So, Papa Hoff turned 40 - and then what?

Thx to the 15 of u who took part in our ‘Chris is 40’ survey. What answers we got!!! We shared them with Chris on the day – and boy did he laugh out loud!! He hadn’t a clue of what we were up to (hee hee sneaky laugh). As usual, there is no black or white, right/wrong response here and the fun is in the mashup answers we get. But for posterity’s sake here we are:

1. Christian was 2yrs old before he started walking. Mum, Kirsten told me that she’s more than sure that he knew how to well beforehand….but he was even earlier in developing his talent of getting people to do exactly what HE wanted, which at that time was ‘pick me up and take me there’ (pointing)

2. Christian has actually worked in each of the professions mentioned (I didn’t know about the checkout operator – still can’t see it!) and yes, the most ‘interesting’ was his turn at glamour photography during a year study in Cedar Rapids, Iowa.

3. Only 3 of you correctly identified his fav musical as being West-side Story. Interestingly, it is my least favourite. My fav is The Sound of Music – which he likes the least. But then we meet very nicely in the middle with Hair (incidentally which Christian introduced me to only earlier this year)

4. And indeed, upon hearing we were having twins, Christian did announce ‘I wish I was gay’……a few minutes after he fell over and hit his head on the floor, I must say LOL!

5. And finally, how many hidey places does Christian have actually for all his chocolate and biscuits?? I have to be very careful here as do not want to let on of how many I am actually aware. Thank goodness for the save-all answer (which is in all probability, the most correct) ‘there are simply too many to count’.
Check out some photos from his b-day itself in links to the right. (Hopefully, I can remember my flickr account details!!)

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aww bless!!